Jeff Sanders Technical Blog

I am a Microsoft employee that has worked on all aspects of the Web Stack for a long time. I hope these blogs are useful to you! Use this information at your own risk.

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Open A Support Case For An Azure Ad Tenant App Under A Subscription

- 29 Dec 2021

Your tenant may not be associated with a subscription.  For example you will see ‘jsandersrocksAAD’ is not associated with a subscription below:


You will want to open a support case and associate it with a subscription to ensure you get the correct entitlement for support based on that subscription.


Navigate to the tenant that has the subscription you wish to use by clicking on the top right corner of the portal and click on ‘Switch directory’


On the next page click on the ‘Switch’ button for the domain that has the subscription you desire (in my case I want to use the ‘Microsoft’ Directory name):


Choose from the menu (hamburger) at the top left of the next page to get to ‘Help + support’


At the top of the page choose ‘Create a support request’:


Ensure you choose ‘Technical’ for the  ‘Issue type’, the subscription you want to open the support case under, choose ‘All services’ for ‘Service’, the correct ‘Service type’ (I chose AAD B2C), add a summary, choose a ‘Problem type’ and ‘Problem subtype’ and hit the ‘Next’ button at the bottom:


Check the recommended solution to see if your question was answered and if not hit next and enter the other relevant information (like the tenant name) and the rest of the required information:


Click the ‘Next’ button and review the information to ensure you have the correct subscription, directory information and other info, then hit create!


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