Replace Text In All Files In A Directory Ubuntu
- 04 Jan 2022
A quick blog for search and replace text in a group of files using Linux Ubuntu. I needed to migrate Wordpress to a github pages blog that was using Jekyll and ran into trouble replacing text in the markdown.
I first downloaded a zip file of my Wordpress blog in the Jekyll format. The plugin had issues but the command line version worked great! This is the plugin: . I used ssh to get to the directory the plugin was installed and issued this command: wp jekyll-export > I am developing using WSL and VS Code remote on my Windows 11 machine so simply did a drag and drop of the files into VS Code in the appropriate directories. One thing I notices is that the images links were still the old site. I needed a way to search and replace the old site info and move to relative paths for many of the MD files.
I navigated to the _posts directory and executed this sed command: sed -i -r ‘s||/assets/images|g’ *.md
sed -i -r (-i = inplace modify the file -r = extended regex)
’s| (set separator for regex to ‘|’ - necessary to choose something other than / since the URL contains these)
-| (what to search for and separator)
/assets/images| (what to replace the former string with and separator)
g (replace globally-all occurences)
*.md (the files to search filtered to and markdown file which is .md for my posts)
Another useful script
To remove the Metadata inserted by Wordpress I used this command which removes the separators ‘—’ and all the data between:
sed -i “/—/,/—/d” *.md
To remove all leading whitespace in a file:
sed -i ‘/\S/,$!d’ *.md
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